Sunday, April 24, 2011

What happens when gravity meets a BlackBerry PlayBook

It is one of the worst feelings in the world. It is that sinking feeling that starts in the pit of your stomach and affects your entire body and brain when you see your new smartphone or tablet kissing the concrete floor under your feet. Luckily, in this day and age, most of our beloved devices are made strong enough to withstand most collisions with the floor, but that doesn't stop companies like Square Trade from trying to sell you an extended warranty for your new BlackBerry PlayBook.

Square Trade dropped a BlackBerry PlayBook a number of times to prove how much you really might need an extended warranty. After just a couple of drops on the ole pavement, the PlayBook was looking pretty beaten up. A couple more falls from waist high, and the glass on the PlayBook was shattered.

Sure, you might tell yourself that this won't happen to you, but everyone ends up watching in slow motion as a favorite device hits the deck. At the end of the video, Square Trade tells you how you can win one of two free extended warranties that they are giving away for certain devices, so you might want to have a pen and paper handy.

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