Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Nokia E7 to be the most important handset for Nokia in 2011?

The Nokia E7 might not flaunt a dual-core chip or dual-screens, but it still seems to be a capable device in Nokia's business lineup. But does it stand up to be “the most important model” for Nokia in 2011 as deemed by senior Nokia official Ukko Lappalainen? The model was delayed from December in order to ensure the “best possible user experience” and it is in many ways similar to a 2010 high-end device like the Nokia N8, but pales in comparison to the dual-core powerhouses of today. The Symbian^3 experience could hardly qualify as Nokia's future for this year and that is what makes Lappalainen's statement seem a bit surprising:

"The E7 is by far the most important model for us this year when looking at sales expectations," the Nokia official said for Finnish daily Kauppalehti in an article entitled “Here is Nokia's savior.”

Does this mean that whatever changes are happening in the Finnish company, they will only really matter in 2012? Stephen Elop came with the hope of bringing change, but one more year could be a bit too much of a waiting period. In any case, there is a couple of days before Nokia's Friday presentation, which might lift the curtain over the company's future, so we'll just have to wait.

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