Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New study shows changes in brain activity near cellphone antennae

In recent years, we've become more aware of the potential risks of cellphone use, switching to hands-free headsets, or opting to text instead of call. But there has been little evidence to support any real effects of our devices' radiation. Now, a new study from the National Institutes of Health and the Brookhaven National Laboratory found that there are notable effects on brain activity near cellphone antennae.

The researchers conducted scans of participants' brains after having held cellphones to their ears on two consecutive days. They found that when the devices were turned on, some brain regions near the antennae showed significantly more activity, measured in glucose metabolism. And if you're wondering, they did use a control group of powered-down devices.

Although the brain regions were put into a hyperactive state, that doesn't necessarily prove harmful effects. Mitchell Berger, a neuro-oncologist at the University of California, San Francisco, said that these findings don't increase his concerns over the health hazards of cellphone use. All the same, he encourages users to wear headsets of some kind.

Dr. Nora Volkow, of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, is looking beyond the potentially harmful effects of cellphone radiation. She suggests that cellphone radiation could find use as a non-invasive form of depression treatment, if the proper brain regions could be targeted. Until we're sure, it look like a safe bet to use a Bluetooth or corded headset.

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